

This workshop follows earlier editions that took place in Germany (2010), Switzerland (2012), France (2014), Spain (2016), Sweden (2018) and Switzerland (virtual, 2020). This 7th Aquatic Biofilm workshop will be held near Bordeaux (France), at the University of Bordeaux, from 20th to 22nd June, 2022.

The theme of this workshop will focus on biofilms and metabolites. The purpose of this seventh edition will be to address the issue of metabolites produced by biofilm communities, linked to the functioning of periphyton (growth, respiration, lipid physiology, reproduction), and according to two aspects: on the one hand, the metabolites produced in reaction to a context of multiple stress, by identifying those that may foreshadow relevant exposure biomarkers, on the other hand the metabolites produced, in particular in the context of allelopathic interactions involved in biofilm functioning.

The workshop is intended to bring together aquatic ecotoxicologists, chemists and ecologists to discuss the state-of-the-art, challenges and future research directions on the relations between aquatic biofilms and metabolites.


Important deadlines

The 7th Aquatic Biofilm Workshop will be held on June 20th-22nd 2022 at the University of Bordeaux, France. The registration and abstract submissions are now open.

  • Registration is closed
  • Abstract (oral and poster) can be submitted until the end of April 2022
  • Decision on submissions by the scientific committee: May 2022
  • Final program: early June 2022


Organizing committee

The workshop is organised by EABX-INRAE, Bordeaux.

Soizic Morin
Nicolas Creusot
Mélissa Eon
Juliette Rosebery

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